If bears think they are going to get wealthy shorting in this market, they ought to think twice.
Who are they reading and why?
Naive perma bears have been drooling lately like a pack of Pavlov's dogs, anticipating a road to easy riches based on a market meltdown similar to the 2008-2009 Teddy Bears' Picnic.
Perfect, all right. An ETF designed to do nothing more than separate people from their money, something to which Mr Nyaradi obviously gave very little thought when he wrote about "global upheaval."
What does, "global upheaval" mean?
Try multiplying the comments Ann Barnhardt made about the recent MF Global debacle by a thousand and figure it out for yourself.
Better yet, doomsayers should research the definition of, "Armageddon," and see what they come up with.
If financial Armageddon were to strike the markets, bears might as well kiss all the money they thought they'd be making on an ETF designed for such an event, goodbye. They'll never see so much as a dime of it, as banks, hedgies, pension funds and governments hopelessly try to unravel trillions of dollars floating around in cyber space, all inter-connected to trillions more dollars floating around in cyber space.
Are bears really that stupid?
Ann Barnhardt may understand the consequences, but it's doubtful she's relishing the thought of monetary collapse, unlike far too many perma bear Armageddonites.
In the meantime, as difficult as it may be for those bears eagerly awaiting chaos in the streets, no food on the shelves at the grocery store, and no banks to contend with .....
Here's a chart.
Perma bears can go right ahead and say it's impossible.
They've been saying, "Impossible," for years now.