Saturday, September 3, 2011


 Is it finally time for gold juniors to recapture the interest of investors and speculators?

 Aside from the fact we just hit a pattern top on GDXJ, the answer seems to be a resounding, "Yes!" 


 GDXJ has finally started to out-perform the Venture.

 There's still some work left to do.

 Trend lines can ward off even the most bullish of bulls, and there are two standing in the way of GDXJ.

 There are also ruthless, manipulating Wall Street hedge funds looking to take advantage of those who are feint of heart.

 It will quite likely be the vultures on Wall Street buying up gold and gold stocks eventually.  

 Before they do, they'll want to scare as many people off as possible.

 They'll tell you it's nothing personal and strictly business, of course.

 That's what Wall Street does. 

 Bully people with other people's money, much of which comes from the American tax payer.

 Always perform your own due diligence. These are only my opinions.