Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Precious Metals Continue Downward Spiral

 Precious metals have fallen out of favour with the investment crowd lately, and recent activity drove the point home. It was only a couple of weeks ago physical gold was threatening to overtake two critical peaks and going full-bore bullish. Gold stocks (mainly via GDX, a one-to-one ETF) also stalled just before encountering minor peak resistance. The results have been disastrous for gold and silver bulls, dealing a serious blow to the gold (and silver) bug community.

 Why the sudden turnaround?

 Strength in the markets combined with renewed confidence in the US dollar has a lot to do with it. Let's not forget, money is free to go wherever it wants, and right now it is leaving the precious metals' sector and making its way into the US.

 Naturally, you'll be able to read all about this latest round of precious metals' manipulation on the internet. You'll just have to do it somewhere other than here. There are plenty of blogs that cater to conspiracy theorists. It may make you feel better or it may not.

 One thing is for sure: When precious metals rise it is because China and India are buying. When precious metals fall, it is because the US and a gang of banksters are naked shorting.

 Do I have that about right?

 Left click on chart(s) to expand

Always perform your own due diligence. These are only my opinions.